• Star Tortoise

    Scientific Name: Geochelone elegans Aptly named for the star-like pattern on the shell this attractive land tortoise reaches a maximum length of around 35cm from a hatchling size of about 12cm. The upper shell or carapace is coloured in dark brown or black with light brown or yellow lines radiating

  • Murray River Turtle

    Scientific Name: Emydura macquarii Also known as the Macquarie turtle or Murray short-necked turtle, this turtle can grow to about 30cm in length. The male has a much fatter and longer tail than the female. There are two fleshy barbels under its chin. The shell is predominantly medium to dark

  • Galapagos Tortoise

    Scientific Name: Geochelone nigra Galapagos tortoises may reach a maximum shell length of over a metre and weigh up to 180 kg in weight. There are some 14 distinct subspecies inhabiting different islands in the Galapagos Island archipelago. The shape of the shell varies quite markedly between the subspecies. Some

  • Eastern Long-necked Turtle

    Scientific Name: Chelodina longicollis Also referred to as a snake-necked turtle, the eastern long-neck’s shell will eventually grow to around 25cm in length, with its neck almost the same length. The upper shell or carapace can vary in colour from light reddish-brown to almost black, while the lower shell or

  • Broad-shelled Long-necked Turtle

    Scientific Name: Chelodina expansa The largest of the long-necked turtles, the broad-shelled turtle’s combined shell and extended neck lengths may exceed 80cm. They have an extraordinary ability to extract oxygen from fresh water by pumping it through veined cavities in the throat and vent enabling them to remain submerged for

  • Alligator Snapping Turtle

    Scientific Name: Macroclemys temmincki The alligator snapping turtle is one of the largest freshwater turtle in the world. These creatures can weigh up to 90kg and the shell can reach three quarters of a metre in length. The large head, which may be 25cm across, has powerful sharp-edged jaws capable