Veiled Chameleon
Scientific Name: (Chamaeleo calyptratus) The Veiled Chameleon is one of about 80 species of chameleon and is generally shy in nature. They are light green in colour when a hatchling but when they mature their colours can include gold, blue, greens, yellow, orange and black. The casque on top of
Solomon Island skink
Scientific Name: Corucia zebrata The Solomon Island skink is the world’s largest skink, growing to a length of 72 centimetres, although nearly half this length is the tail. The skinks are sometimes called prehensile tailed skinks, or monkey tailed skinks because they use their long, agile tails to help move
Scientific Name: Pseudopus apodus Although it might look like a snake, the scheltopusik is a legless lizard, and is sometimes known by its other name, the European glass lizard. The lizard grows to 1.35 metres and is usually tan coloured with a paler head and underbelly. It has two tiny
Philippine Sailfin Lizard
Scientific Name: Hydrosaurus pustulatus Large male sailfin lizards will exceed a metre in length, much of which is tail. The most distinctive feature is the erect sail of skin situated along the lower back and base of the tail. This may be as large as 6 or 7cm high in
Gila monster
Scientific Name: Heloderma suspectum Don’t worry, it’s not really a monster! Although Gila monsters are venomous lizards, they are so slow moving they pose little threat to humans. The only venomous lizard of the United States, the Gila monster is named after the Gila River in Arizona where is it