Pink-toed Tarantula
Scientific Name: Avicularia versicolor A beautifully coloured small tarantula, particularly as juveniles when a green or turquoise iridescence is present on the head and parts of the legs. As the spider matures these colours tend to fade and adults are mostly dark brown, although colourful hues may be retained in
Mexican Red-kneed Tarantula
Scientific Name: Brachypelma smithi An attractively marked spider conspicuous by the bright orange-red markings around the middle of each leg, hence its common name. The rest of the spider is predominantly dark brown in colour with a fawn brown ring around the head area or cephalothorax and similar colored bands
King Baboon Spider
Scientific Name: Citharischius crawshayi Female king baboon spiders are much larger than males. The latter rarely exceed 12cm while the girls may exceed 20cm. Predominantly dark brown in colour, king baboons are bad-tempered spiders that will rear up, fangs at the ready at the slightest disturbance. The legs are very
Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater
Scientific Name: Lasiodora parahybana With a leg span of up 10 inches, the Brazilian salmon pink birdeater is one of the largest tarantulas in the world. This spider gets big fast and can grow up to a diameter of 6 inches in the first year of its life! Like their
Brazilian Black Tarantula
Scientific Name: grammostola pulchra This spider is striking in the simplicity of its appearance. The species is covered in short fine hairs giving it the appearance of velvet and is jet black in colour. It is not an aggressive tarantula but is somewhat nervous when approached. They reach a leg