Magnificent tree frog

Scientific Name: Litoria splendida

The big, fluid filled sac on the top of this frog’s head is a poison gland, the biggest of any amphibian in Australia. Luckily the foul tasting poison doesn’t affect humans, but it does deter birds from eating the frog. Magnificent tree frogs are olive to bright green with whitish/yellow spots over the body and yellow underfeet and toe webbing. Like many tree frogs, they have big toe pads to help them climb and stick to surfaces. The frogs are large, growing to 10 centimetres long.


Found only in the Kimberley region in north-west Western Australia, this frog loves moist environments. Although it’s a tree frog, it is typically found on rocks not trees, and will hide out in caves and crevices. It is also found around humans, especially near water tanks, toilets or shower blocks.


Insects of all kinds, earthworms and spiders.


Breeding occurs at the start of the wet season in December. Females lay large eggs that form floating clumps on the water that are one-egg thick. Tadpoles take 1-4 months to develop depending on conditions.