White-browed Woodswallow

Scientific Name: Artamus superciliosus

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Huge flocks of woodswallows form at certain times of the year wandering far and wide in search of food. In good seasons, nesting colonies may be formed where several pairs may nest together in a single tree.

A subtly attractive bird with pastel grey head, throat and uppersides highlighted with white eyebrow markings. The abdomen is buff-brown in colour. The female can be distinguished from the male by her paler colour and smaller eyebrows. Length to around 20cm.


A common inhabitant of the open forest of eastern Australia, mainly inland away from coastal areas.


They are not true swallows but were so-named because of their habit of catching their insect prey on the wing like their small agile namesakes. They may also feed occasionally on fruits and flowers.


Spring and summer is the main nesting period. A small nest of grasses and twigs is built, usually fairly close to the ground in a tree fork. Two or three white eggs blotched with brown are laid and are incubated by both parents for two weeks.