White-lipped tree frog
Scientific Name: Litoria infrafrenata
The largest of the tree frogs, the beautiful white lipped tree frog grows up to 14 centimetres long and is sometimes called the giant tree frog. Colour can vary from a bright green to a brown/bronze green combination. However, the frog always has a white lower lip, so it’s easily identifiable. The frog has big feet with large toe pads. Its toes are webbed and its fingers are partially webbed, so it’s fantastic at climbing trees.
The white-lipped tree frog is found in north-east Queensland and New Guinea. It lives in tropical rainforests and farm areas and has also been known to come into houses! It is often found on tree branches, vines or even drainpipes.
Insects of all kinds are eaten and occasionally spiders. Prey is usually caught on humid, wet evenings.
Male frogs bark like a dog and show a reddish-pink stripe when they’re ready to mate. Females lay large clumps of over 1000 whitish eggs that are 3 millimetres in diameter. They are able to breed when they’re 2-3 years old, and the frogs can live for up to 10 years. Breeding occurs around still bodies of water, usually after rain in spring or summer.